
Hunterville Vet Club Veterinary Scholarship

For fourth-year students who are interested in large animal veterinary science. You will be enrolled in the Bachelor of Veterinary Science.

Scholarship overview

Status: Open

Key facts

Value: Up to $1,800
Duration: One year's duration
Number available: Two awards
Type of study: Full-time, Undergraduate
Of note: Work placement.

Application dates

Applications open: 1 April 2024
Closing date: 30 June 2024


Eligibility restrictions: Specific programme only. Full-time study only. High achievement.

The recipients of these awards will spend two weeks seeing practice with the Hunterville Vet Club. This scholarship is valued at $1,500 plus a $300 accommodation allowance.

Who we're looking for

We're looking for fourth-year students interested in large animal veterinary science.

What you'll be studying

These are undergraduate scholarships. You will be enrolled in the Bachelor of Veterinary Science.

Eligibility criteria

You must be:

  • enrolled in a Bachelor of Veterinary Science
  • in the fourth year of your degree
  • willing to spend two weeks seeing practice
  • studying full-time.

Application checklist

Include the following with your application:

  • a statement on why you wish to pursue a career in large animal veterinary science

Selection considerations

When choosing our recipients, we will consider your interest in this area of veterinary science, your academic achievements and any other scholarships or bursaries you hold.