
Steps to apply , te ara hei tono

Get an overview of the steps you will go through when you apply to study at Massey.

Need help or know what you want to study?

At Massey we have a two-part application process.

First, you apply for admission into the qualification you want to study, such as a degree, certificate or diploma. Then you apply for enrolment into the specific courses (some universities call these 'papers') you will take within your chosen qualification.

Application process

1, Check you're ready to apply

Follow our checklists before you start your application process.

Domestic students' checklist
International students' checklist

2, Apply for admission into a qualification

3, Receive and accept your Offer of Place

4, Pay your fees if you're an international student

You will then receive an International Receipt of Payment letter which you can use as part of your Immigration New Zealand visa process.

5, Apply to enrol in courses within your qualification

Courses are the individual modules you will enrol in to complete your qualification. For example, the 'Bachelor of Business' is a qualification, but '115111 Strategic Workplace Communication' is a course that makes up part of the 'Bachelor of Business' qualification.

6, Receive and accept Offer of Enrolment in courses

7, Receive Confirmation of Enrolment

8, Pay any due fees if you're a domestic student

9, Start studying

Once you have been admitted into a qualification, you will need to enrol into courses 鈥 either each semester or each year.

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