
College of Humanities and Social Sciences staff

Mrs Karen Mackay staff profile picture

Contact details +6469517475

Karen Mackay

Professional Clinician - Early Childhood Education

Institute of Education

Karen has 17 years' experience in Early Childhood Education. Throughout this time Karen's key roles and responsibilities have included Teacher, Head Teacher, Senior Teacher and Facilitator. Karen worked in her early years of teaching with infants and toddlers then moved into work with three and four year olds prior to becoming a Professional Learning Facilitator.

Work History:

Karen has been a Professional Learning Facilitator for 5 years and has had experience in working with home-based care providers, education and care services, kindergartens and primary schools. Throughout her role, Karen has worked within the Kei Tua o te Pae (Assessment for Learning project), when she supported teachers to develop effective assessment practices. On completion of that project she worked with Early Childhood Services supporting and challenging their thinking through their teacher inquiry process. During 2011 Karen was part of the facilitation team for the New Zealand Teachers Council's National workshop series 'Guidelines for Induction and Mentoring and Mentor Teachers'.


"We would like to take this opportunity to show our appreciation to Karen for her support in facilitating our kindergarten's internal review process. Karen's guidance and insight were invaluable, providing an outsider's perspective which resulted in well directed feedback and suggestions to clarify our thoughts. Karen's expertise in facilitating the review process allowed us to integrate our ideas in a well thought-out manner within our own time frame. Karen's thoughts provided thought-provoking discussions and once again allowed us to keep focused on the task at hand without getting carried away. Karen has a lovely manner which allowed us to brainstorm and then rein those thoughts back in. Her facilitation has inspired us to be enquirers, thinking what will have the best outcomes for children. We value Karen's on-going support as we have seen the many positive outcomes for the children and the community as a result"

Teaching Team at Takaro Kindergarten, Manawatu.

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Contact details

  • Ph: extn 84489
    Location: Institute of Education
    Campus: Turitea

Certifications and Registrations

  • Licence, TCANZ, Teaching Council of Aotearoa NZ